Friday, April 29, 2011


 As many of my friends and family know, I have fibromyalgia. It's not a fun disorder to have, but I want all to know that there is hope that you can better your life. I recently went through some nasty depression and felt on quite a few occasions that I was near a nervous breakdown. Went and saw a professional, and had my anti-depressant dosage increased. HOLY COW! Huge difference that has made. I feel on top of the world again.
 But, some of the most important things to do w/this illness is to make sure you take good care of yourself first. Number one is getting rid of all the toxic people in your life. Then you must make sure you are eating a healthy diet, preferably a high protein, complex carb diet w/tons of veggies and fruit. I also take magnesium, Vit. D, B complex, E, calcium, and fish oil, because I don't like fish. Another important aspect is exercise. I'm not talking a rigorous workout, but simple stretching. I suggest everyone who can go to physical therapy to learn some good ones, but you can also purchase a Pilate's or yoga DVD and obtain the same results. Walking is also good if you are able. I try to walk now as much as possible. And I've managed to stay in shape and keep up my flexibility.
 Don't ever give up either. I was bed bound 5 years ago. Out of my poor little mind, and those of you who know me well know that was scary, what little mind I have, LMAO. And yes, I've fallen into that deep dark pit called disparity and it's not always easy to pull oneself out of it. But I've managed to on numerous occasion's. I'm so grateful though for my extreme faith in God, knowing that He is always my strength and comfort. Otherwise I probably would never have pulled through.
 I had an epiphany the other day. I've been home schooling my 7 yr. old nephew now for several months. No, I'm not getting paid, but guess what? I am working part time again. I thought for sure I'd never be able to work again, especially in my field. Guess I was wrong huh? And by the time I'm finished w/my commitment to him, I feel I'll be able to work full time.
 I won't go back to the school I worked for before. Too much drama and back stabbing. Instead there are other options for me. More money in it also. I love teaching and working w/special ed. kids. It's my gift. And so, God has shown me that He is going to make sure I continue w/my gift. How awesome is that?
 So to all my dear friends and family who also have this illness, do not fret, there is hope that you can achieve better health. It's not easy, it takes work, but it can be done. I'm a living testimony to it. Plus, I also have a great nurse practitioner who listens to me, yet tells me I read too much, lol If she only knew how much I used to read about this craziness. That had to stop because I felt I was becoming my illness, and I am not that EVER.