Friday, May 9, 2008


I really don't think I like this illness much. I awoke around 2 a.m. feeling wide awake. Also feeling the urgent need for a bowel movement. Great, just what I want or need. Fortuanately though, I was able to get back to sleep this time. But I had to take a pain pill.
And that's another thing, all the flipping medications that are necessary to feel some semblance, minute though it may be, of normalacy. Ha!! That's such a joke. Normalacy, what is that? In just the first half of my day I take enough medications that a "normal" person would be zombified for a week.
All right, enough of the negativity. I am after all able to sit outside right now and enjoy this glorious morning. The peace and quiet. My dogs are laying her next to me and there are butterflies and bees flying around me. I can hear the cockatiels singing in the front yard, thier sound is so pretty when they aren't squaking. LOL
I am feeling a bit down today. I have been going to physical therapy now for 3 weeks. Finally, yesterday, I felt something "break free". I have terrible lower back, hip, and leg pain and that is what I'm being treated for. But I guess for that step foreward, there must be some type of payment expeted, because boy am I sure paying for it today!
That just tells me to take it easy today, no exercises except minimal stretching. Maybe even a nice soak in the tub later. Pamper myself today. :)

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