Thursday, January 15, 2009

My New Years Resolution

Unlike most people, I always try to make a resolution that I KNOW I can keep. Simple little things that I feel enriches my life. For instance, I used to be very bad about making the bed. Why bother? Just going to get back in it and mess it up again. That was my attitude anyway. But one year, making the bed daily became my resolution. What a huge difference one little thing made. I love making the bed now. I've also invested in decent bedding so we have a nice pretty bed.
This years resolution was to declutter my house and get it clean. If any of you reading this have fibro, or you know someone who does, you know that sometimes house work can fall by the wayside. But I didn't wait until Jan. 1st to get started on my resolution. Once I had made up my mind to do it, I got excited about it.
I've been reasonable with this resolution too. I have refused to set a time goal for myself. Why? Because I know that there are going to be days that I'll be unable to get much if anything accomplished. So, it's just whatever I can do that day. Unfortunately, in my quest to declutter, I got behind in the laundry. :(
But, I must say, it's coming along quite nicely. We got rid of 2 large pieces of furniture that was only collecting dust, which has made our living room much roomier. I've also managed to muck out a few years worth of clutter in our bedroom. Why is it that the master bedroom becomes the catchall for the junk in the home?
My biggest challenge in all of this though isn't my fibromyalgia. Go figure huh? Nope, it's my husband! That man is worse than a child when it comes to picking up after himself. I swear as soon as he hits the door, he starts putting stuff down here, there, just about everywhere! And leaves it! The funniest thing is, he constantly tells people there are no maids in our home.
But since I've made more improvement in the last week, I've also noticed he is trying to be a bit neater. Also, getting our bedroom decluttered and looking better will be a motivator to finally finish the remodeling work in there. I sure would like pretty walls and a real closet someday!

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